class Response extends Facade (View source)
static protected Application|null | $app | The application instance being facaded. |
from Facade |
static protected array | $resolvedInstance | The resolved object instances. |
from Facade |
static protected bool | $cached | Indicates if the resolved instance should be cached. |
from Facade |
Create a fresh mock instance for the given class.
Get the registered name of the component.
Resolve the facade root instance from the container.
Get the application instance behind the facade.
Handle dynamic, static calls to the object.
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Facade at line 47
static void
resolved(Closure $callback)
Run a Closure when the facade has been resolved.
Facade at line 65
static MockInterface
Convert the facade into a Mockery spy.
Facade at line 81
static MockInterface
Initiate a partial mock on the facade.
Facade at line 97
static Expectation
Initiate a mock expectation on the facade.
static Expectation
Initiate a mock expectation on the facade.
static protected MockInterface
Create a fresh mock instance for the given class.
static protected MockInterface
Create a fresh mock instance for the given class.
static protected bool
Determines whether a mock is set as the instance of the facade.
static protected string|null
Get the mockable class for the bound instance.
static void
swap(mixed $instance)
Hotswap the underlying instance behind the facade.
static bool
Determines whether a "fake" has been set as the facade instance.
static mixed
Get the root object behind the facade.
static protected string
Get the registered name of the component.
static protected mixed
resolveFacadeInstance(string $name)
Resolve the facade root instance from the container.
static void
clearResolvedInstance(string $name)
Clear a resolved facade instance.
static void
Clear all of the resolved instances.
static Collection
Get the application default aliases.
static Application|null
Get the application instance behind the facade.
static void
setFacadeApplication(Application|null $app)
Set the application instance.
static mixed
__callStatic(string $method, array $args)
Handle dynamic, static calls to the object.
static Response
make(mixed $content = '', int $status = 200, array $headers = [])
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static Response
noContent(int $status = 204, array $headers = [])
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static Response
view(string|array $view, array $data = [], int $status = 200, array $headers = [])
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static JsonResponse
json(mixed $data = [], int $status = 200, array $headers = [], int $options)
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static JsonResponse
jsonp(string $callback, mixed $data = [], int $status = 200, array $headers = [], int $options)
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static StreamedResponse
eventStream(Closure $callback, array $headers = [], string $endStreamWith = '</stream>')
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static StreamedResponse
stream(callable $callback, int $status = 200, array $headers = [])
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static StreamedJsonResponse
streamJson(array $data, int $status = 200, array $headers = [], int $encodingOptions = 15)
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static StreamedResponse
streamDownload(callable $callback, string|null $name = null, array $headers = [], string|null $disposition = 'attachment')
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static BinaryFileResponse
download(SplFileInfo|string $file, string|null $name = null, array $headers = [], string|null $disposition = 'attachment')
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static BinaryFileResponse
file(SplFileInfo|string $file, array $headers = [])
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static RedirectResponse
redirectTo(string $path, int $status = 302, array $headers = [], bool|null $secure = null)
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static RedirectResponse
redirectToRoute(BackedEnum|string $route, mixed $parameters = [], int $status = 302, array $headers = [])
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static RedirectResponse
redirectToAction(array|string $action, mixed $parameters = [], int $status = 302, array $headers = [])
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static RedirectResponse
redirectGuest(string $path, int $status = 302, array $headers = [], bool|null $secure = null)
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static RedirectResponse
redirectToIntended(string $default = '/', int $status = 302, array $headers = [], bool|null $secure = null)
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static void
macro(string $name, object|callable $macro)
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static void
mixin(object $mixin, bool $replace = true)
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static bool
hasMacro(string $name)
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static void
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