class WorkCommand extends Command (View source)
protected Factory internal | $components | The console components factory. |
from InteractsWithIO |
protected InputInterface | $input | The input interface implementation. |
from InteractsWithIO |
protected OutputStyle | $output | The output interface implementation. |
from InteractsWithIO |
protected int | $verbosity | The default verbosity of output commands. |
from InteractsWithIO |
protected array | $verbosityMap | The mapping between human readable verbosity levels and Symfony's OutputInterface. |
from InteractsWithIO |
protected Signals|null | $signals | The signal registrar instance. |
from InteractsWithSignals |
static protected array | $macros | The registered string macros. |
from Macroable |
protected Application | $laravel | The Laravel application instance. |
from Command |
protected string | $signature | The console command name. |
protected string | $name | The console command name. |
from Command |
protected string | $description | The console command description. |
protected string | $help | The console command help text. |
from Command |
$hidden | Indicates whether the command should be shown in the Artisan command list. |
from Command | |
protected bool | $isolated | Indicates whether only one instance of the command can run at any given time. |
from Command |
protected int | $isolatedExitCode | The default exit code for isolated commands. |
from Command |
protected array | $aliases | The console command name aliases. |
from Command |
protected Worker | $worker | The queue worker instance. |
protected Repository | $cache | The cache store implementation. |
protected float|null | $latestStartedAt | Holds the start time of the last processed job, if any. |
Resolve the console command instance for the given command.
Call another console command.
Call another console command without output.
Call another console command without output.
Run the given console command.
Create an input instance from the given arguments.
Prompt the user until the given validation callback passes.
Validate the given prompt value using the validator.
Get the validator instance that should be used to validate prompts.
Get the validation messages that should be used during prompt validation.
Get the validation attributes that should be used during prompt validation.
Get the value of a command argument.
Determine whether the option is defined in the command signature.
Get the value of a command option.
Confirm a question with the user.
Prompt the user for input.
Prompt the user for input with auto completion.
Prompt the user for input with auto completion.
Prompt the user for input but hide the answer from the console.
Give the user a single choice from an array of answers.
Format input to textual table.
Execute a given callback while advancing a progress bar.
Write a string as information output.
Write a string as standard output.
Write a string as comment output.
Write a string as question output.
Write a string as error output.
Write a string as warning output.
Write a string in an alert box.
Get the verbosity level in terms of Symfony's OutputInterface level.
Interact with the user before validating the input.
Prompt the user for any missing arguments.
Prompt for missing input arguments using the returned questions.
Perform actions after the user was prompted for missing arguments.
Whether the input contains any options that differ from the default values.
Mix another object into the class.
Dynamically handle calls to the class.
Dynamically handle calls to the class.
Configure the console command using a fluent definition.
Execute the console command.
Get a command isolation mutex instance for the command.
Get the number of seconds until the given DateTime.
If the given value is an interval, convert it to a DateTime instance.
Given a start time, format the total run time for human readability.
Execute the console command.
Run the worker instance.
Gather all of the queue worker options as a single object.
Listen for the queue events in order to update the console output.
Write the status output for the queue worker for JSON or TTY.
Write the status output for the queue worker in JSON format.
Get the queue name for the worker.
Determine if the worker should run in maintenance mode.
Determine if the worker should output using JSON.
Reset static variables.
abstract protected Command
resolveCommand(Command|string $command)
Resolve the console command instance for the given command.
call(Command|string $command, array $arguments = [])
Call another console command.
callSilent(Command|string $command, array $arguments = [])
Call another console command without output.
callSilently(Command|string $command, array $arguments = [])
Call another console command without output.
protected int
runCommand(Command|string $command, array $arguments, OutputInterface $output)
Run the given console command.
protected ArrayInput
createInputFromArguments(array $arguments)
Create an input instance from the given arguments.
protected array
Get all of the context passed to the command.
protected void
configurePrompts(InputInterface $input)
Configure the prompt fallbacks.
protected mixed
promptUntilValid(Closure $prompt, bool|string $required, Closure|null $validate)
Prompt the user until the given validation callback passes.
protected ?string
validatePrompt(mixed $value, mixed $rules)
Validate the given prompt value using the validator.
protected Validator
getPromptValidatorInstance(mixed $field, mixed $value, mixed $rules, array $messages = [], array $attributes = [])
Get the validator instance that should be used to validate prompts.
protected array
Get the validation messages that should be used during prompt validation.
protected array
Get the validation attributes that should be used during prompt validation.
protected void
Restore the prompts output.
protected void
Specify the arguments and options on the command.
protected array
Get the console command arguments.
protected array
Get the console command options.
hasArgument(string|int $name)
Determine if the given argument is present.
argument(string|null $key = null)
Get the value of a command argument.
Get all of the arguments passed to the command.
hasOption(string $name)
Determine whether the option is defined in the command signature.
option(string|null $key = null)
Get the value of a command option.
Get all of the options passed to the command.
confirm(string $question, bool $default = false)
Confirm a question with the user.
ask(string $question, string|null $default = null)
Prompt the user for input.
anticipate(string $question, array|callable $choices, string|null $default = null)
Prompt the user for input with auto completion.
askWithCompletion(string $question, array|callable $choices, string|null $default = null)
Prompt the user for input with auto completion.
secret(string $question, bool $fallback = true)
Prompt the user for input but hide the answer from the console.
choice(string $question, array $choices, string|int|null $default = null, mixed|null $attempts = null, bool $multiple = false)
Give the user a single choice from an array of answers.
table(array $headers, Arrayable|array $rows, TableStyle|string $tableStyle = 'default', array $columnStyles = [])
Format input to textual table.
withProgressBar(iterable|int $totalSteps, Closure $callback)
Execute a given callback while advancing a progress bar.
info(string $string, int|string|null $verbosity = null)
Write a string as information output.
line(string $string, string|null $style = null, int|string|null $verbosity = null)
Write a string as standard output.
comment(string $string, int|string|null $verbosity = null)
Write a string as comment output.
question(string $string, int|string|null $verbosity = null)
Write a string as question output.
error(string $string, int|string|null $verbosity = null)
Write a string as error output.
warn(string $string, int|string|null $verbosity = null)
Write a string as warning output.
alert(string $string, int|string|null $verbosity = null)
Write a string in an alert box.
newLine(int $count = 1)
Write a blank line.
setInput(InputInterface $input)
Set the input interface implementation.
setOutput(OutputStyle $output)
Set the output interface implementation.
protected void
setVerbosity(string|int $level)
Set the verbosity level.
protected int
parseVerbosity(string|int|null $level = null)
Get the verbosity level in terms of Symfony's OutputInterface level.
Get the output implementation.
Get the output component factory implementation.
trap($signals, $callback)
No description
internal |
Untrap signal handlers set within the command's handler.
protected void
interact(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
Interact with the user before validating the input.
protected void
promptForMissingArguments(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
Prompt the user for any missing arguments.
protected array
Prompt for missing input arguments using the returned questions.
protected void
afterPromptingForMissingArguments(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
Perform actions after the user was prompted for missing arguments.
protected bool
didReceiveOptions(InputInterface $input)
Whether the input contains any options that differ from the default values.
static void
macro(string $name, object|callable $macro)
Register a custom macro.
static void
mixin(object $mixin, bool $replace = true)
Mix another object into the class.
static bool
hasMacro(string $name)
Checks if macro is registered.
static void
Flush the existing macros.
static mixed
__callStatic(string $method, array $parameters)
Dynamically handle calls to the class.
__call(string $method, array $parameters)
Dynamically handle calls to the class.
__construct(Worker $worker, Repository $cache)
Create a new queue work command.
protected void
Configure the console command using a fluent definition.
protected void
Configure the console command for isolation.
run(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
Run the console command.
protected int
execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
Execute the console command.
protected CommandMutex
Get a command isolation mutex instance for the command.
fail(Throwable|string|null $exception = null)
Fail the command manually.
setHidden(bool $hidden = true)
Get the Laravel application instance.
setLaravel(Container $laravel)
Set the Laravel application instance.
protected int
secondsUntil(DateTimeInterface|DateInterval|int $delay)
Get the number of seconds until the given DateTime.
protected int
availableAt(DateTimeInterface|DateInterval|int $delay = 0)
Get the "available at" UNIX timestamp.
protected DateTimeInterface|int
parseDateInterval(DateTimeInterface|DateInterval|int $delay)
If the given value is an interval, convert it to a DateTime instance.
protected int
Get the current system time as a UNIX timestamp.
protected string
runTimeForHumans(float $startTime, float $endTime = null)
Given a start time, format the total run time for human readability.
Execute the console command.
protected int|null
runWorker(string $connection, string $queue)
Run the worker instance.
protected WorkerOptions
Gather all of the queue worker options as a single object.
protected void
Listen for the queue events in order to update the console output.
protected void
writeOutput(Job $job, string $status, Throwable|null $exception = null)
Write the status output for the queue worker for JSON or TTY.
protected void
writeOutputForCli(Job $job, string $status)
Write the status output for the queue worker.
protected void
writeOutputAsJson(Job $job, string $status, Throwable|null $exception = null)
Write the status output for the queue worker in JSON format.
protected Carbon
Get the current date / time.
protected void
logFailedJob(JobFailed $event)
Store a failed job event.
protected string
getQueue(string $connection)
Get the queue name for the worker.
protected bool
Determine if the worker should run in maintenance mode.
protected bool
Determine if the worker should output using JSON.
static void
Reset static variables.