class PendingProcess (View source)
protected Factory | $factory | The process factory instance. |
array<array-key,string>|string|null | $command | The command to invoke the process. |
string|null | $path | The working directory of the process. |
int|null | $timeout | The maximum number of seconds the process may run. |
int | $idleTimeout | The maximum number of seconds the process may go without returning output. |
array | $environment | The additional environment variables for the process. |
string|int|float|bool|resource|Traversable|null | $input | The standard input data that should be piped into the command. |
bool | $quietly | Indicates whether output should be disabled for the process. |
bool | $tty | Indicates if TTY mode should be enabled. |
array | $options | The options that will be passed to "proc_open". |
protected array | $fakeHandlers | The registered fake handler callbacks. |
Apply the callback if the given "value" is (or resolves to) truthy.
Apply the callback if the given "value" is (or resolves to) falsy.
Specify the command that will invoke the process.
Specify the working directory of the process.
Specify the maximum number of seconds the process may run.
Specify the maximum number of seconds a process may go without returning output.
Indicate that the process may run forever without timing out.
Set the additional environment variables for the process.
Set the standard input that should be provided when invoking the process.
Disable output for the process.
Enable TTY mode for the process.
Set the "proc_open" options that should be used when invoking the process.
Run the process.
Start the process in the background.
Get a Symfony Process instance from the current pending command.
Determine whether TTY is supported on the current operating system.
Specify the fake process result handlers for the pending process.
Resolve the given fake handler for a synchronous process.
Resolve the given fake handler for an asynchronous process.
when($value = null, callable|null $callback = null, callable|null $default = null)
Apply the callback if the given "value" is (or resolves to) truthy.
unless($value = null, callable|null $callback = null, callable|null $default = null)
Apply the callback if the given "value" is (or resolves to) falsy.
__construct(Factory $factory)
Create a new pending process instance.
command(array|string $command)
Specify the command that will invoke the process.
path(string $path)
Specify the working directory of the process.
timeout(int $timeout)
Specify the maximum number of seconds the process may run.
idleTimeout(int $timeout)
Specify the maximum number of seconds a process may go without returning output.
Indicate that the process may run forever without timing out.
env(array $environment)
Set the additional environment variables for the process.
input(Traversable|resource|string|int|float|bool|null $input)
Set the standard input that should be provided when invoking the process.
Disable output for the process.
tty(bool $tty = true)
Enable TTY mode for the process.
options(array $options)
Set the "proc_open" options that should be used when invoking the process.
run(array|string|null $command = null, callable|null $output = null)
Run the process.
start(array|string|null $command = null, callable|null $output = null)
Start the process in the background.
protected Process
toSymfonyProcess(array|string|null $command)
Get a Symfony Process instance from the current pending command.
Determine whether TTY is supported on the current operating system.
withFakeHandlers(array $fakeHandlers)
Specify the fake process result handlers for the pending process.
protected Closure|null
fakeFor(string $command)
Get the fake handler for the given command, if applicable.
protected mixed
resolveSynchronousFake(string $command, Closure $fake)
Resolve the given fake handler for a synchronous process.
protected FakeInvokedProcess
resolveAsynchronousFake(string $command, callable|null $output, Closure $fake)
Resolve the given fake handler for an asynchronous process.