class ColumnDefinition extends Fluent (View source)
static protected array | $macros | The registered string macros. |
from Macroable |
protected | $attributes | from Fluent |
Retrieve all data from the instance.
Retrieve data from the instance.
Determine if the instance contains any of the given keys.
Apply the callback if the instance contains the given key.
Determine if the instance contains a non-empty value for the given key.
Determine if the instance contains an empty value for the given key.
Determine if the instance contains a non-empty value for any of the given keys.
Apply the callback if the instance contains a non-empty value for the given key.
Determine if the instance is missing a given key.
Apply the callback if the instance is missing the given key.
Determine if the given key is an empty string for "filled".
Retrieve data from the instance as a Stringable instance.
Retrieve data from the instance as a Stringable instance.
Retrieve data as a boolean value.
Retrieve data as an integer value.
Retrieve data as a float value.
Retrieve data from the instance as a Carbon instance.
Retrieve data from the instance as an enum.
Retrieve data from the instance as an array of enums.
Determine if the given enum class is backed.
Retrieve data from the instance as an array.
Retrieve data from the instance as a collection.
Get a subset containing the provided keys with values from the instance data.
Get all of the data except for a specified array of items.
Mix another object into the class.
Dynamically handle calls to the class.
Dynamically handle calls to the class.
Set an attribute on the fluent instance using "dot" notation.
Get an attribute from the fluent instance.
Get the value of the given key as a new Fluent instance.
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Change the column
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Specify a collation for the column
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Specify a "default" value for the column
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Add an index
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Allow NULL values to be inserted into the column
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Add a primary index
Add a fulltext index
Add a spatial index
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Specify a type for the column
Add a unique index
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Set the TIMESTAMP column to use CURRENT_TIMESTAMP as default value
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abstract array
all(array|mixed|null $keys = null)
Retrieve all data from the instance.
abstract protected mixed
data(string|null $key = null, mixed $default = null)
Retrieve data from the instance.
exists(string|array $key)
Determine if the data contains a given key.
has(string|array $key)
Determine if the data contains a given key.
hasAny(string|array $keys)
Determine if the instance contains any of the given keys.
whenHas(string $key, callable $callback, callable|null $default = null)
Apply the callback if the instance contains the given key.
filled(string|array $key)
Determine if the instance contains a non-empty value for the given key.
isNotFilled(string|array $key)
Determine if the instance contains an empty value for the given key.
anyFilled(string|array $keys)
Determine if the instance contains a non-empty value for any of the given keys.
whenFilled(string $key, callable $callback, callable|null $default = null)
Apply the callback if the instance contains a non-empty value for the given key.
missing(string|array $key)
Determine if the instance is missing a given key.
whenMissing(string $key, callable $callback, callable|null $default = null)
Apply the callback if the instance is missing the given key.
protected bool
isEmptyString(string $key)
Determine if the given key is an empty string for "filled".
str(string $key, mixed $default = null)
Retrieve data from the instance as a Stringable instance.
string(string $key, mixed $default = null)
Retrieve data from the instance as a Stringable instance.
boolean(string|null $key = null, bool $default = false)
Retrieve data as a boolean value.
Returns true when value is "1", "true", "on", and "yes". Otherwise, returns false.
integer(string $key, int $default = 0)
Retrieve data as an integer value.
float(string $key, float $default = 0.0)
Retrieve data as a float value.
date(string $key, string|null $format = null, string|null $tz = null)
Retrieve data from the instance as a Carbon instance.
enum(string $key, TEnum> $enumClass)
Retrieve data from the instance as an enum.
enums(string $key, TEnum> $enumClass)
Retrieve data from the instance as an array of enums.
protected bool
isBackedEnum(class-string $enumClass)
Determine if the given enum class is backed.
array(array|string|null $key = null)
Retrieve data from the instance as an array.
collect(array|string|null $key = null)
Retrieve data from the instance as a collection.
only(array|mixed $keys)
Get a subset containing the provided keys with values from the instance data.
except(array|mixed $keys)
Get all of the data except for a specified array of items.
static void
macro(string $name, object|callable $macro)
Register a custom macro.
static void
mixin(object $mixin, bool $replace = true)
Mix another object into the class.
static bool
hasMacro(string $name)
Checks if macro is registered.
static void
Flush the existing macros.
static mixed
__callStatic(string $method, array $parameters)
Dynamically handle calls to the class.
__call(string $method, array $parameters)
Dynamically handle calls to the class.
Fluent at line 38
__construct(TValue> $attributes = [])
Create a new fluent instance.
Fluent at line 52
get($key, $default = null)
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Fluent at line 64
set(TKey $key, TValue $value)
Set an attribute on the fluent instance using "dot" notation.
Fluent at line 77
fill(TValue> $attributes)
Fill the fluent instance with an array of attributes.
Fluent at line 93
value(string $key, mixed $default = null)
Get an attribute from the fluent instance.
scope(string $key, mixed $default = null)
Get the value of the given key as a new Fluent instance.
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toJson(int $options = 0)
Convert the fluent instance to JSON.
offsetExists(TKey $offset)
Determine if the given offset exists.
offsetGet(TKey $offset)
Get the value for a given offset.
offsetSet(TKey $offset, TValue $value)
Set the value at the given offset.
offsetUnset(TKey $offset)
Unset the value at the given offset.
__get(TKey $key)
Dynamically retrieve the value of an attribute.
__set(TKey $key, TValue $value)
Dynamically set the value of an attribute.
__isset(TKey $key)
Dynamically check if an attribute is set.
__unset(TKey $key)
Dynamically unset an attribute.
after(string $column) Place the column "after" another column (MySQL)
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always(bool $value = true) Used as a modifier for generatedAs() (PostgreSQL)
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autoIncrement() $et INTEGER columns as auto-increment (primary key)
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Change the column
charset(string $charset) Specify a character set for the column (MySQL)
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collation(string $collation)
Specify a collation for the column
comment(string $comment) Add a comment to the column (MySQL/PostgreSQL)
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default(mixed $value)
Specify a "default" value for the column
first() $lace the column "first" in the table (MySQL)
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from(int $startingValue) Set the starting value of an auto-incrementing field (MySQL / PostgreSQL)
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generatedAs(Expression $expression = null) Create a SQL compliant identity column (PostgreSQL)
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index(bool|string $indexName = null)
Add an index
invisible() $pecify that the column should be invisible to "SELECT *" (MySQL)
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nullable(bool $value = true)
Allow NULL values to be inserted into the column
persisted() $ark the computed generated column as persistent (SQL Server)
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primary(bool $value = true)
Add a primary index
fulltext(bool|string $indexName = null)
Add a fulltext index
spatialIndex(bool|string $indexName = null)
Add a spatial index
startingValue(int $startingValue) Set the starting value of an auto-incrementing field (MySQL/PostgreSQL)
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storedAs(Expression $expression) Create a stored generated column (MySQL/PostgreSQL/SQLite)
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type(string $type)
Specify a type for the column
unique(bool|string $indexName = null)
Add a unique index
unsigned() $et the INTEGER column as UNSIGNED (MySQL)
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Set the TIMESTAMP column to use CURRENT_TIMESTAMP as default value
useCurrentOnUpdate() $et the TIMESTAMP column to use CURRENT_TIMESTAMP when updating (MySQL)
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virtualAs(Expression $expression) Create a virtual generated column (MySQL/PostgreSQL/SQLite)
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