trait InteractsWithDatabase (View source)
Assert that a given where condition exists in the database.
Assert that a given where condition does not exist in the database.
Assert the count of table entries.
Assert that the given table has no entries.
Assert the given record has been "soft deleted".
Assert the given record has not been "soft deleted".
Assert the given model does not exist in the database.
Specify the number of database queries that should occur throughout the test.
Determine if the argument is a soft deletable model.
Cast a JSON string to a database compatible type.
Get the database connection.
Get the table connection specified in the given model.
Get the table column name used for soft deletes.
Seed a given database connection.
protected $this
assertDatabaseHas(Model|Model>|string $table, array $data = [], string|null $connection = null)
Assert that a given where condition exists in the database.
protected $this
assertDatabaseMissing(Model|Model>|string $table, array $data = [], string|null $connection = null)
Assert that a given where condition does not exist in the database.
protected $this
assertDatabaseCount(Model|Model>|string $table, int $count, string|null $connection = null)
Assert the count of table entries.
protected $this
assertDatabaseEmpty(Model|Model>|string $table, string|null $connection = null)
Assert that the given table has no entries.
protected $this
assertSoftDeleted(Model|Model>|string $table, array $data = [], string|null $connection = null, string|null $deletedAtColumn = 'deleted_at')
Assert the given record has been "soft deleted".
protected $this
assertNotSoftDeleted(Model|Model>|string $table, array $data = [], string|null $connection = null, string|null $deletedAtColumn = 'deleted_at')
Assert the given record has not been "soft deleted".
protected $this
assertModelExists(Model|Model>|string $model)
Assert the given model exists in the database.
protected $this
assertModelMissing(Model|Model>|string $model)
Assert the given model does not exist in the database.
expectsDatabaseQueryCount(int $expected, string|null $connection = null)
Specify the number of database queries that should occur throughout the test.
protected bool
isSoftDeletableModel(mixed $model)
Determine if the argument is a soft deletable model.
castAsJson(array|object|string $value, string|null $connection = null)
Cast a JSON string to a database compatible type.
protected Connection
getConnection(string|null $connection = null, Model|Model>|string $table = null)
Get the database connection.
protected string
getTable(Model|Model>|string $table)
Get the table name from the given model or string.
protected string|null
getTableConnection(Model|Model>|string $table)
Get the table connection specified in the given model.
protected string
getDeletedAtColumn(Model|Model>|string $table, string $defaultColumnName = 'deleted_at')
Get the table column name used for soft deletes.
protected Model|null
newModelFor(Model|Model>|string $table)
Get the model entity from the given model or string.
seed(list<string>|Seeder>|string $class = 'Database\\Seeders\\DatabaseSeeder')
Seed a given database connection.